
Employee Rights & Benefits

Employee Rights & Benefits2023-09-03T11:51:51+03:00
2607, 2021

Employee Benefits

A relationship between an employer and an employee is no different than any other relationship – it begins with high aspirations. An employment relationship creates legal obligations on both the employer and the employee which should be considered and evaluated before commitments are made and before the relationship is established. You must comply with the minimum requirements of Israeli law which are likely significantly different that those in the Old Country.

2607, 2021

Tium Mas (Coordination of Income Tax)

A Tium Mas (coordination of income tax) is the authorization by Mas Hachnasa (the Income Tax Authority) to one or more employers as to how much income tax is to be withheld by each from the employee's salaries. When an individual earns a salary from more than one source, it becomes necessary to obtain a Tium Mas in order to ensure that the proper tax will be withheld in total from all salaries.

2607, 2021

Women’s Rights In the Workplace

Israel’s labor laws have, historically, been pro-employee but even more so with respect to protecting women. The labor laws address three major issues unique to women: affirmatively protecting the special needs of women with respect to pregnancy, avoiding discrimination against women and prohibition against sexual harassment.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, we are here to help!

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