The following is a guide to the Oleh Rights and Benefits provided to new Israeli citizens by the Israeli Government.
Please note that each of these benefits is valid for a limited time period.
* Last updated on December 9, 2024 *
Sal Klita
Financial assistance provided by Misrad Haklita (Ministry of Aliyah and Integration).
Sal Klita (Absorption Basket)
Description: Financial assistance provided by Misrad Haklita (Ministry of Aliyah and Integration). You receive an initial cash payment at Ben Gurion Airport, followed by an additional wire transfer after you give Misrad Haklita your bank details. You will receive a total of six monthly installments of Sal Klita, all of which will be transferred directly into your Israeli bank account.
The amount of Sal Klita given is determined by age and family status. To review exact sums, see: Sal Klita Calculator
Timetable: Paid out over the first six months after Aliyah, between the 1st and 15th of each month. If an Oleh leaves Israel during the first six months (regardless of reason), payments are stopped. Once you return to Israel, if it is within the first year of Aliyah your payments will be automatically reinstated 14 days after your return. If an Oleh returns to Israel 13 months or more after Aliyah, payments are discontinued.
Notes: This assistance is granted only to those who spent less than 24 months in Israel (consecutive or cumulative) during the three years prior to making Aliyah; and no longer than three years in Israel, during the seven years prior to making Aliyah. For a Katin Chozer this assistance is granted only to those who have spent less than one year in Israel prior to Aliyah. If you are a former A-1 temporary resident you will not receive your first payment at the airport, instead you will receive both initial payments via wire transfer after being issued a Teudat Oleh or a Teudat Zakaut at your local Misrad Haklita.
Rent Subsidy
The Ministry of Housing offers Olim Chadashim rental assistance beginning from the 7th or 8th month of Aliyah (depending on Aliyah date).
Rental Assistance
Misrad Hashikun (Ministry of Housing) offers Olim Chadashim rental assistance beginning from the 8th month after Aliyah for those who made Aliyah prior to March 1, 2024, and from the 7th month for those who made Aliyah on or after March 1, 2024. The period of eligibility for rental assistance is up to five years for those who made Aliyah before March 1, 2024, or up to four years for those who made Aliyah on or after March 1, 2024 from the date of receiving Oleh status.
The level of assistance will be defined according to your family status, and the number of years you have resided in Israel. Please read the full article on rental assistance here.
Updated 26/9/2024
Health Coverage
Bituach Leumi (the National Insurance Institute) provides up to six months of free basic health insurance to new Olim without income. *Healthcare is NOT free for Former A-1 visa holders.
Health Coverage
Description: Bituach Leumi (the National Insurance Institute), provides free basic coverage in any Kupat Cholim (health fund) of your choice for the first 6 months of Aliyah (former A-1s are not eligible for free healthcare).
Timetable: First 6 months after Aliyah for those without income. Olim begin paying into Bituach Leumi (which in turn pays for basic healthcare) after 6 months or when one begins working even prior to the end of the first 6 months.
If you are receiving Income Support from Misrad Haklita (Dmei Kiyum) following your Sal Klita payments, you will be eligible for an additional 6 months of free basic healthcare coverage.
It is your responsibility to notify the Bituach Leumi of this extension, it is not automatic.
CLICK HERE for more information about Bituach Leumi
CLICK HERE for more information about Dmei Kiyum
Arnona Discount
Reduced municipal property tax for renters and owners. *Ktinim Chozrim are not eligible for the Arnona discount.
Arnona Discount
Description: All cities and towns in Israel charge Arnona (municipal property tax), whether you are renting or own your own property. Olim are customarily granted a discount of 50 – 90% (for up to 100 sqm.) on Arnona payments, depending on their municipality.
Please note: Ktinim Chozrim are not eligible for this benefit.
Timetable: Available for Olim to use during one 12-month period during the first 24 months after Aliyah.
For more information see Arnona
Free full-time Hebrew Ulpan course, available in many locations around Israel.
Hebrew Ulpan
Description: Free Hebrew Ulpan course, available in many locations around Israel. The address that appears on an Oleh’s Teudat Zehut dictates the location of that individual’s Ulpan.
Misrad Haklita offers additional assistance for the study of the Hebrew language, for more info please see here.
Timetable: Olim can access the Ulpan benefit up to 18 months after Aliyah. A standard, subsidized, Ulpan course lasts for 5 months (5 days a week, 5 hours a day).
Click here for more information about learning Hebrew and to access our Ulpan database.
Tuition Benefit
Heavily subsidized university tuition for eligible young Olim.
Subsidized University Tuition
Description: Candidates up to the age of 27 can receive assistance for Mechina (preparatory year course). Candidates up to the age of 27 can receive assistance for a BA and candidates up to the age of 30 can receive assistance for an MA.
Student benefits are provided by the Student Authority. Students who are studying for an MA may be eligible for a subsidy covering up to a year of Hashlamot (prerequisite classes), in addition to assistance with the cost of the degree. Students who choose to study in a one year MA program are eligible to receive two years of assistance to use towards the cost of their studies.
Timetable: Must start studies within three years after Aliyah and within the proper time frame given the student’s age. For example, if you make Aliyah at age 26, you will have one year to start your BA studies, as the benefit is only granted to students up to the age of 27. A student must study at an institution of higher education recognized by the Student Authority. Time spent in the army or Sherut Leumi is not counted in the three years.
For more information about this benefit and studying in Israel, see Higher Education in Israel
Updated 26/09/2024
Customs Benefits
Olim are allowed to bring in appliances and household products tax-free.
Customs Benefits
Description: Olim are allowed to bring appliances and household goods from ANY COUNTRY tax-free. This benefit is not unlimited: some restrictions may apply. The benefits apply to any type of import – via sea, air or postal packages. A file will be opened for you automatically by the Customs authority within 3 days of your Aliyah.
For more info: [email protected]
Timetable: Olim can import appliances tax-free for up to three years after Aliyah, and may bring up to three shipments of imported goods.
Extensions are granted for military service, full-time study, or if you have left Israel for more than six consecutive months
See: Understanding your Customs Benefits
Notes: If you are a former A-1 temporary resident, your final status will be clarified only after opening a file with Meches (the Customs Authority). You will need to provide Meches with all documents that you previously provided to your Aliyah Shaliach. It is recommended not to ship a container from abroad before there is a final decision about your status.
Israeli Income Tax
Discounted income tax payments on income earned in Israel.
Israeli Income Tax Break
Description: Discounted income tax payments on income earned in Israel. The income tax reduction works on a point system, where one point is equal to 242 NIS (as of January 2024). New Olim who made Aliyah prior to January 1, 2022 (date not inclusive) will enjoy an income tax credit over a period of 3.5 years. While new Olim, who made Aliyah after January 1, 2022 (date inclusive), will enjoy an income tax credit over a period of 4.5 years. The breakdown is as follows: New Olim receive one point per month (242 NIS) during the first 12 months after Aliyah, three points over the next 18 months, two points over the next 12 months, and one point during the last 12 months, for a total of 4.5 years. Once you begin to work, advise your employer that you are an Oleh, so that you receive this tax benefit.
For the Tax Authority guide for this benefit, see Oleh Tax Benefits
For more info, see Taxation in Israel – General Information
Mortgage Discount
Low interest rates, compared to other market rates, for up to about 300,000 NIS.
Mortgage Discount
Description: Low interest rates, compared to other market rates, for up to about 300,000 NIS. Olim need to obtain a Teudat Zakaut (Certificate of Eligibility), which is issued by the Ministry of Construction & Housing through the specified Israeli mortgage banks.
Timetable: Granted up to 15 years after Aliyah. This benefit is only granted for the purchase of a first home in Israel.
For more information see Mortgage Discount
Free Flight to Israel
For eligible Olim making Aliyah from outside Israel.
Free Flight to Israel
Description: Olim are eligible for a one-way, direct, Aliyah flight from the published Nefesh B’Nefesh flight schedule and are eligible for two pieces of luggage at 50 pounds each for this flight. The benefit is to be used on the Oleh’s Aliyah flight and may not be used for a future flight. Olim who purchase their own tickets are not eligible for a refund for the cost of their ticket, nor are they eligible for reimbursement for luggage.
Please note: If you make Aliyah from within Israel, you are NOT eligible for the free flight Aliyah benefit. Click on #Officially Israeli for more information.
Timetable: Only for the Aliyah flight. Olim who pay for their own tickets are not eligible for a refund for the cost of the flight or for additional luggage.
For more information see Flight Options
Transportation from Ben Gurion
Olim receive free transportation to their first destination in Israel.
Free Transportation from Ben Gurion Airport
Description: Olim receive free transportation to their first destination after making Aliyah. Mode of transportation may be shared with other Olim.
Please note: If you make Aliyah from within Israel, you are NOT eligible for the free transportation Aliyah benefit. Click on #Officially Israeli for more information.
Timetable: One time only – for the Aliyah flight.
Car Benefit
Olim pay a reduced tax rate on the purchase of a new car in Israel or the import of a car from abroad.
Customs Benefit for a Car Purchased or Imported
Description: Olim pay a reduced tax rate on the purchase of a new car in Israel or the import of a car from abroad. In order to be eligible for the tax reduction, Olim must hold a valid foreign driver’s license that was issued at least three months prior to the date of Aliyah. A valid Israeli driver’s license is also required. The benefit is valid only for a new car or “Passport to Passport” purchase. Importing a car is a detailed process that should only be pursued following thorough research regarding the costs and benefits.
Timetable: Available up to 3 years after Aliyah.
For more information see Buying a Car in Israel and Importing a Car
Foreign Income Tax
Tax breaks on passive and active income earned overseas.
Foreign Income Tax Break
Description: Tax breaks on passive and active income earned overseas.
Timetable: Olim are eligible for tax breaks on passive and active income earned overseas for 10 years after Aliyah. Please check with an accountant to confirm eligibility; there may be some restrictions based on residency for those who have lived in Israel for an extended time period, prior to Aliyah. For more information, please consult with an accountant. See: U.S.-Israeli Income Tax
For the Tax Authority guide for this benefit, see Oleh Tax Benefits
Bringing in Money
The max. amount of cash (or cash value) that an Oleh can bring into Israel without the need to report to the authorities is 50,000 NIS.
Maximum Sum of Money Olim can Bring to Israel
Description: The maximum amount of cash that an Oleh can bring into Israel without the need to report to the authorities is 50,000 NIS (combined sum in the reporting person’s possession – per family unit). From 50,000 NIS and above, you will need to report to customs by filling out a form that is available online here. Practically this means only signing a waiver. The signee is not questioned or investigated, rather the information serves the purpose of being able to assist the authorities (Nationally and Internationally) to reduce international money laundering attempts to Israel. Please see the Israel Tax Authority website for details. (In the Information Guides section, see the Customs Guide for Oleh and Foreign Resident.)
Daycare Subsidy
Tuition reduction for recognized Maons and Peutons.
Maon and Daycare Tuition Subsidies
Olim Chadashim are entitled to a reduction in Maon or daycare tuition. This benefit depends on the mother’s status.
An additional reduction for tuition can also be requested, based on income levels.
To receive the benefit, your child’s Maon or kindergarten needs to be recognized by Tamat (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor). To see if your Maon is recognized, see the Tamat website at:
There is a Hebrew online form to fill out to apply. We recommend you ask for assistance in filling out the form from the Maon itself. If you have a problem, you can contact the Nefesh B’Nefesh Answers team and they will schedule you for a “Translation Tuesday” appointment for assistance.
In order to be eligible for the subsidy, the parents must meet one of the following criteria:
- Both parents are enrolled in Ulpan (minimum 49 hours a week)
- Both parents must be registered with Sherut Hata’asuka/Misrad Haklita as unemployed and seeking a job.
- One parent falls under option 1 and the second parent falls under option 2.
Timetable: This benefit is available to a mother who is an Olah under certain conditions up to two years.
Purchase Tax
Olim receive a special benefit in the form of purchase tax brackets when purchasing their first home in Israel.
Purchase Tax Benefit
A special benefit in the form of purchase tax brackets when purchasing a first home in Israel.
Timetable: This benefit is available to Olim who purchase a home within the first seven years after their Aliyah, or those who make Aliyah within one year of purchasing a home.
For more information see Planning your Aliyah: Purchase Tax