Hebrew Connect
Hebrew Connect is a comprehensive Hebrew-Online learning experience focusing on the skills needed for Hebrew conversation and Aliyah relocation.
Specialist Training Course
In order to be recognized as a nurse in Israel, one must hold a license issued by the Nursing Division of the Ministry of Health.
Bnai Zion Medical Center
Bnai Zion Medical Center (formerly Rothschild) was founded in 1922 as the first Jewish hospital in the city of Haifa. It is now a government hospital with 454 beds and nearly 2,000 doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and administrative personnel.
ALYN Hospital
ALYN Hospital is acknowledged worldwide as a premier hospital specializing in pediatric rehabilitation. It is the only facility of its kind in Israel. ALYN’s reputation in diagnosing and rehabilitating infants, children and adolescents with physical disabilities, both congenital and acquired, is meticulous. The children treated at ALYN come from Israel and abroad. The hospital welcomes all patients regardless of religion or nationality.
Adi Negev
Adi Negev Rehabilitation Medical Center is the first and only rehabilitation hospital in Israel’s Negev region. The hospital has two inpatient units : neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation units As well as outpatient rehabilitation
What are Olim doing for Parnassa
Finding suitable Parnassa in Eretz Yisroel is an integral part of preparing for a successful Aliyah. Asking questions, conducting research, planning, and networking are all part of the employment puzzle when making Aliyah.
Tekuma Directorate
The Tkuma region is comprised of five regional councils (Chof Ashkelon, Sha’ar HaNegev, Sdot Negev, Eshkol, and Sderot), with a total population of 270,000 residents. This region offers both rural and urban ways of life characterized by strong communities and a high quality of life.