The Center for Integration in Science- Ministry of Aliyah and Integration
The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration (Misrad Ha'aliyah V'haklita) provides dedicated support through the Center for Integration in Science to eligible scientists, including new Olim, returning resident scientists, as well as those considering Aliyah/return to Israel.
Networking and Employment Strategies for Your Job Search
The whole world seems to have changed, and that includes the job world. Searching for a job in Israel during these unusual times may seem like a daunting task, especially if you cannot take a pilot trip to network and investigate your field.
Effective Networking for Your Job Search in Israel
Networking serves as a powerful tool for building professional connections. To ensure your networking efforts are fruitful, consider the [...]
Resume tips for a changing market
Make sure your resume conveys what the reviewer needs... Read More
Writing Your Israeli Resume: The Do’s and Don’ts
Writing Your Israeli Resume: The Do’s and Don’ts Melissa Lousky Bienenfeld When writing your first Israeli resume (or CV [...]
Glossary of Employment Terms
Useful employment terms in Hebrew.
There are an increasing number of professions that lend themselves to telecommuting, i.e., continuing employment remotely. Do you want to explore the option of telecommuting after you make Aliyah? Here are some suggestions for presenting the idea to your employer. The following contains excerpts from an actual proposal that an NBN Oleh successfully presented to his employer.