See also: Vocational and Retraining Courses for Olim
Background | Eligibility | Amount of Assistance | Designation of the Assistance | Implementation of the Process | Payment Procedure | For More Information
In order to facilitate the professional integration of Olim and Toshavim Chozrim (returning residents), Misrad Haklita (Ministry of Aliyah and Integration) offers a Voucher benefit, with the goal of broadening the range of professional choices available to Olim.
Olim and Toshavim Chozrim who fall into the following categories are eligible for the program:
- Those who are unemployed
- Those whose professions are not in demand.
- Those over the age of 18 and under the official retirement age
- An Oleh, Ezrach Oleh, Katin Chozer & Gorer Zechuyot within 10 years of Aliyah (and who was at least 15 years old upon receiving their Aliyah status).
- A Toshav Chozer within 2 years of the date of return to Israel.
- Those who have basic knowledge of Hebrew – and is either a graduate of Ulpan Alef or has command of Hebrew parallel to that level (to be assessed by way of a brief placement test). This is true even for courses offered in English.
The sum of the assistance for an Oleh/Toshav Chozer will not exceed 7,000 NIS, provided it does not exceed 80% of the actual course tuition. The Oleh/Toshav Chozer is responsible for the remaining 20% of the cost of the course.
A course that is at least 24 hours a week will entitle the Oleh to an additional living and travel stipend according to the relevant regulations.
Those eligible for income assistance during their first year of Aliyah are also entitled to the Voucher benefit.
The program is designed to enable vocational training in three categories:
1. Employment
- Training that is in demand in the job market in accordance with the approval of Misrad Haklita’s Employment Department.
- Training that is not offered by Misrad Haklita’s Employment Department or other government offices.
- For training toward completion of licensure requirements, the assistance shall be granted to Olim in fields in which the courses are not provided by the Employment Department or other government offices. Toshavim Chozrim (those who left Israel after the age of 14) are not eligible for this assistance.
2. Entrepreneurs
Group or personal training will be covered if it is not offered by the Ministry. A Voucher will not be granted for courses delivered in the MATI system (which is funded by Misrad Haklita).
3. Science Absorption
Assistance will be provided for training in an area approved by the Office of Science Absorption.
Misrad Haklita, together with the Oleh requesting the benefit, will draw up a personal vocational plan, signed by a Klita (absorption) counselor, employment counselor and the Oleh.
If the Oleh’s plan includes training that isn’t available (and already subsidized) through other governmental departments, the Oleh will be advised to identify the training he seeks in the private sector.
Approval of the voucher benefit hinges on Misrad Haklita’s approval of the course based on cost, quality of proposed training, credibility of the institution, etc.). Each counselor will have a list of professions in demand and accredited training institutions that will be updated in a timely fashion.
Misrad Haklita may reject the Oleh’s request to apply the Voucher toward a specific course if it does not fulfill the above conditions.
The Voucher amount (determined based on total course tuition) is transferred to the Oleh’s bank account in two payments:
The first payment is made after presenting a receipt for full or partial payment for the training, an approval signed by the employment supervisor or director of the science absorption field, and a signed commitment by the Oleh regarding full participation in the course.
The second payment will be paid in the middle of the course, following submission by the Oleh of attendance reports, a receipt from the course provider, and approval of the Klita counselor.
For a list of courses already approved by Misrad Haklita for the Vouchers, click here.
Questions about eligibility should be referred to the local branch or district office of the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration in your place of residence.
For more information about the Voucher Program on the government website, click here.
This article was last updated in June, 2020.