Effective Networking for Your Job Search in Israel
Networking serves as a powerful tool for building professional connections. To ensure your networking efforts are fruitful, consider the [...]
Running a Small Business in Israel
You can find business opportunities in every part of Israel and to match a variety of lifestyles. Whether you open your own business or look for employment in an existing company, the challenge in the Israeli business world is finding your particular niche in a market that is vastly different from the U.S., Canada or the UK.
Ramat Beit Shemesh
Ramat Beit Shemesh boasts a multitude of established and vibrant Torah communities, coupled with a well-developed infrastructure of schools and organizations, making it the number ONE destination for frum families making Aliyah.
What are Olim doing for Parnassa
Finding suitable Parnassa in Eretz Yisroel is an integral part of preparing for a successful Aliyah. Asking questions, conducting research, planning, and networking are all part of the employment puzzle when making Aliyah.
There are an increasing number of professions that lend themselves to telecommuting, i.e., continuing employment remotely. Do you want to explore the option of telecommuting after you make Aliyah? Here are some suggestions for presenting the idea to your employer. The following contains excerpts from an actual proposal that an NBN Oleh successfully presented to his employer.
Kiryat Shmuel – Haifa
Kiryat Shmuel, situated in the Haifa region of Northern Israel, is a picturesque suburban gated community. This community is extremely welcoming to newcomers, boasts lush greenery, adorned with numerous parks along its streets. Embracing individuals from various walks of religious life in Israel, Kiryat Shmuel takes pride in fostering an atmosphere of unity (achdus) and mutual respect among its diverse communities. The community is led by Rabbi Zalman Hacarmi, who is the nephew of Rabbi Gifter from Cleveland. Conveniently situated within walking distance of the local train station connecting to Haifa, Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva, and Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmuel is also within walking distance to grocery stores and is a short drive away from multiple malls, outlets, and large supermarkets, enhancing the residents' accessibility and convenience.
Over the past several years, Karmiel has emerged as a fantastic choice for Anglo-Olim. This middle-class, picturesque city provides an ideal environment for raising children, offering abundant open spaces, parks, and playgrounds. The integrated Yeshivish/Balebatish community, with its out-of-town flavor, allows each family to carve out its niche. Distanced from the hustle of the city center, the tranquil and unhurried lifestyle offers Anglos a gentle transition and integration into Israeli culture. Despite its modest size, the schools are outstanding, and the community exudes vibrancy.