Here are some suggestions for presenting the idea to your employer. The following contains excerpts from an actual proposal that an NBN Oleh successfully presented to his employer.
For personal reasons I have decided to move to Israel and will be leaving on ___________. I find the work that I have done with ____________ over the last several years both challenging and enjoyable and would like to continue my career by telecommuting. I have outlined a strategy below which clarifies the details of my proposal, and which will result in substantial savings to the company. I personally know many professionals including engineers, accountants, even lawyers, who have continued working with their companies in the United States even after having moved to Israel. I know that this can be a win-win proposition from both sides.
I will still be working full time, available at a local U.S. area code phone number during morning working hours, as well as by local fax, email, teleconference, and regular mail. I will also return for office visits or as required by projects. From the company’s perspective, it would be similar to someone working from an American branch office.
The Proposed Plan
Over the past several years I have worked on many projects originating in various locations and have never had to visit the clients’ offices. I can easily continue doing my work remotely.
Phone: I’ve researched the various companies who offer VoiP service in Israel. The connection and service are efficient and reliable.
Internet: I’ve checked with our company IT professionals, and they will be able to configure my computer to access the company network remotely.
Office Visits: I will return to the U.S. on regular intervals to perform or complete tasks that must be done face to face, such as performance reviews. I can also schedule trips to job sites outside of my regular visits as necessary.
Working Hours: Due to the differences in time zone and the working week between the United States and Israel, I will be able to work from 3AM – 12 PM PST Sunday through Thursday. This will make me reachable by phone during normal business hours. Starting my day earlier could also be an advantage to the company as detailed below.
Schedule: I will arrive in Israel on ___________. To set up an office I will rent an apartment, set up an internet connection, and connect phone service. I estimate this will take two to three weeks. My target is to be up and running before_______________. I have sufficient vacation and comp time hours to cover the few weeks I will need to take to get set up.
Advantages for the Company
Cost Savings: The reduction in overhead costs to the company would be considerable. As a telecommuter, the company would no longer be responsible for providing me with an office, supplies, telephone, or computer services.
Retention: By retaining my services, the company will be keeping the investment they have made in educating and training me as well as the experience I have gained.
Turn Around: The schedule I will be working will allow me to receive and work while the U.S. office sleeps. If a particularly urgent submittal were to come through at the end of the day, it could be emailed to me and I would be able to address the issue and have it ready before start of business the next day.
Over the past few years, I have grown in my career thanks to the experience and guidance I received with the company. I could not have asked for a better place to begin my career. As I have outlined above, there is no reason that my relocation need end my working relationship with the company. All the ideas and plans I have detailed above are negotiable. Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.