Encouraging your child to learn Hebrew prior to Aliyah will greatly improve his/her ability to acclimate to the school system and to the new social environs.
Schedule a regular “Hebrew” time into your weekly schedule. Choose those tools that fit your child’s learning style and interests – that is the best way to engage them in this essential goal.
- http://www.hebrew-language.com/ – Jacob Richman’s comprehensive listing of online Hebrew resources for children and adults.
- http://www.twebrewschool.org/2010/06/finding-your-way-around-twebrew-school.html – Learn letters and sounds with online videos.
- http://sefer-li.net/ – 100’s of books available in pdf format for download.
- http://www.akhlah.com/aleph_bet/aleph-bet.php – Learn the Aleph-Bet.
- http://www.myhebrewbooks.com/prodView.asp?idproduct=357 – “I‘m Israeli – Ani Israeli” CD includes 54 delightful stories designed to learn Hebrew and to experience authentic Israeli culture.
- http://itunes.
- apple.com/us/app/hebrew-for-kids/id350068739?mt=8 Hebrew for kids – for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
- http://israel-catalog.com/product.asp?Product=7707 Artscroll Alef to Tav: For young preschoolers to learn
- http://israel-catalog.com/product.asp?Product=7715 Hebrew Tutor: Hebrew Tutor teaches over a thousand words used in Tanach and daily Hebrew conversation. Ages 9 and up.
- http://israel-catalog.com/product.asp?Product=7713 – Aleph Bet Trainer: letter identification.
- http://hebrewresources.com/viewpage.php?page_id=59 – Children’s stories using audio and visual techniques with games and quizzes.
- http://www.davka.com/cgi-bin/product.cgi?product=199 – Learn the aleph-bet, reading and basic vocabulary
Miscellaneous Resources
- http://www.israel-catalog.com/?category=1046 – A product list of Hebrew children’s books (in print) for purchase.
- http://www.torahtots.com/alefbet/alefbet.htm – Printable coloring book pages to learn the Hebrew letters as well as vocabulary corresponding to each letter.
Page updated: August 2020