The Israeli Ministry of the Interior (Misrad Hapnim) requires a criminal background check for all Aliyah applicants. Following you will find resources and information to help clarify the steps for acquiring this document.
Authenticated criminal background checks are required for all Olim regardless of where they are making Aliyah from
- This includes all US and Canadian Olim ages 14 and up
- Background checks are valid for only 6 months from their issue date. Please plan accordingly based on your Aliyah date so that the check will still be valid upon arrival.
- Olim must present a background check for every country they lived in from the age of 14 for a year or more
- Olim with Israeli background making Aliyah (Ezrachim Olim and Ktinim Chozrim) are not currently required to present a background check. This requirement is subject to change. Please check with your NBN Aliyah Advisor about the most up-to-date requirements if you fall into this category.
- Should you need information about obtaining police background checks from countries other than the U.S. or Canada, you can search online or speak to your Aliyah advisor for additional assistance.
This is not required of Israeli passport holders who are in Israel and go directly to Misrad Hapnim and Misrad Haklita to complete their Aliyah.
US applicants need to submit an FBI background check with a federal apostille (issued in Washington DC). There are two options for acquiring a background check in the US:
You can acquire the background check directly from the FBI or by using a channeling company.
Method #1 – Directly from the FBI – Apostille required
Step 1: Go to to start the application process. Carefully follow the instructions found in the “Obtaining Your Identity History Summary” section. You will receive a personal login code. Be sure to keep this code. You will need it throughout the process.
Step 2: Submit the request electronically to the FBI, pay the associated fees, and then visit one of these specific U.S. Post Office branches nationwide to provide fingerprints. Additional fees at the Post Office may apply.
Step 3: After submitting the fingerprints, you will receive an email, from the FBI, notifying you that your report is ready with a PDF attached. At this point, you will need to print the PDF background check and send it to the US Department of State’s Office of Authentications, by postal mail, to attach an apostille, which can take approximately four weeks to obtain. Do NOT notarize the PDF background check. Click here to learn how to request an apostille by mail directly from the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Authentications.
Method #2 – Using a channeling company – Apostille required
- You can find a local channeling company by searching Google for “FBI Channeler + your local zip code.”
- A list of approved channeling companies can be found here.
- Once you have the background check, which you will receive in digital PDF format 24-48 hours after you submit your fingerprints, you will then need to get an apostille attached to it. Do NOT notarize the PDF background check.
- The PDF background check can be printed out and sent directly to the US Department of State’s Office of Authentications, by postal mail, to attach an apostille.
- At the moment, it takes approximately four weeks to get an apostille from the Federal Government.
- Click here to learn how to request an apostille by mail directly from the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Authentications.
Canadian Olim need to submit a “Certified Criminal Record Check”
- Information about this can be found here
- Processing time and fee information can be found here (it takes between 3-120 days and costs CAN $25). This is a federal fee and is in addition to fees charged by local police or accredited fingerprint company. For a list of private accredited fingerprinting companies, click here
- The “Certified Criminal Record Check” will need a Canadian apostille. For more information, click here.
- Please ensure that the RCMP background checks are sent to Global Affairs for an apostille and not to the provincial apostille office. Do NOT have the background check notarized before sending it for apostille.
Guided Aliyah – Aliyah from within Israel with
If you are making Aliyah from within Israel, through our Guided Aliyah program, you can have your fingerprints scanned and order your FBI background check in our office by emailing us at [email protected]. For additional information regarding Guided Aliyah, please see our article, “Documents Needed for Aliyah from Within Israel.”
For more information or questions, email [email protected]
* Last updated on July 4, 2024 *