2607, 2021
E-BOOK: Kids Hebrew/English Dictionary
Grab a bag of Bamba, and kick-start your kid’s playground Hebrew. Starting school in Israel doesn’t have to be a balagan – davka, this handy book will help them become alufim in no time. Sababa?
2607, 2021
Children’s Hebrew Learning Resources
Encouraging your child to learn Hebrew prior to Aliyah will greatly improve his/her ability to acclimate to the school system [...]
2607, 2021
Aliyah for Children with Language Difficulties
Thank you to Gabrielle Hodes for preparing this article. Gabrielle is a speech and language therapist specializing in stuttering and [...]
2607, 2021
Helping your Child Overcome the Language Barrier
by Romi Sussman As a former teacher in a school in Gush Etzion, I have had the unique opportunity to [...]