Bituach Leumi (The National Insurance Institute of Israel) is responsible for a wide range of services including pensions, health insurance, unemployment payments, child supplements, and more.

Olim who are receiving Dmei Kiyum payments are exempt from paying Bituach Briut – the monthly fee for basic healthcare – until the end of their 12th month, post-Aliyah.

Once you have a Bituach Leumi online account, you can easily notify Bituach Leumi that you are recieving Dmei Kiyum. If you do not yet have a Bituach Leumi online account, click here to view our guide on creating one. 

Here is how to notify Bituach Leumi that you are receiving Dmei Kiyum in order to continue receiving free basic healthcare until the end of your first year:

Step 1: Once you are logged in to your Bituach Leumi online account, you need to select  העלאות מסמכים on the right hand side with the icon of an upward arrow

Step 2: You will have the option to attach proof that you are receiving Dmei Kiyum (income support) payments from Misrad Haklita (Ministry of Absorption).

In the 1st, dropdown box, you should select the 5th option   ביטוח וגביה.

In the 2nd dropdown box, you should select the 7th option    הכנסות.

In the 3rd dropdown box, you should select the 2nd option הצהרה על הכנסות.

Step 3: Finally, you can attach the document by selecting the blue paperclip on the left.

You can submit the document by selecting the blue button at the bottom of the page.

Once Bituach Leumi processes your submission, you will be exempt from paying Bituach Leumi while receiving Dmei Kiyum payments.

For any questions or issues reach out to NBN Answers at [email protected] or call *3680.

Updated: July 10, 2023

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