- Israel Police – 100
- Israel Police (Non-Emergency) – 110
- Ambulance – Magen David Adom – 101
- United Hatzalah – 1221
- National Fire and Rescue Authority – 102
- Home Front Command (Pikud Ha’Oref) – 104
- Israel Electric company* – 103
- *Customer Service at the Israel Electric company available 24/7. You must have your contract number available when calling.
- Municipality or regional council of that city – 106
- Eran – Misrad Haklita Emotional Assistance and Support Hotline Center for New Olim – *3201
- Natal – Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center – 1-800-363-363
- NBN Answers
Have questions? NBN Answers is available to answer your questions and provide guidance by phone at *3680 or [email protected], Sunday – Thursday 9am-5pm.
It is important to be prepared for all eventualities, to have a plan in place, and to know how to protect yourself and your family in the event of a national emergency. Pikud Ha’Oref (The Home Front Command) is responsible for direction and guidance in times of national emergency such as rocket/missile attacks and earthquakes. The Pikud Ha’Oref website www.oref.org.il provides up-to-date information and important guidelines in English to be followed in times of national emergencies.
You can stay updated with the Home Front Command Missile Fire Alerts to view alerts in real-time.
You may download the Home Front Command application the following ways:
To view the National Emergency Portal of the Home Front Command for updates on essential services, click here.
To see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with the Home Front Command, click here.
The Israeli government also provides essential information during an emergency.
During times of national emergency, Nefesh B’Nefesh will post important directives and general information as needed. You can stay updated by joining our Telegram group and other media.
The NBN Answers and Advocacy Team is available at [email protected] or by calling *3680, Sun-Thurs, 9am-5pm.
Home Front Command updates of Government Offices during times of emergency: Click here to view the Home Front Command page in English with updates on government essential activities during times of emergency, as well as benefits for victims, evacuees, and more.
- Ministry of Transportation *5678 updates. Telegram Channel, updates in real time
- Bituach Leumi Telegram Channel, updates in real time
- Ministry of Interior Telegram Channel, updates in real time, including daily updates of which offices are open
- Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, Hotline number *2994, Sun-Thurs, 8am-8pm
- Ministry of Health Telegram Channel, updates in real time
- Information center of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption Telegram Channel, updates in real time
- Department of State, USA: for U.S. citizens and their eligible family members to request assistance
- El Al Airport Information 03 9404040 or Whatsapp 03 977 1111 (Facebook or Facebook Messenger as well)
- Ben Gurion Arrivals and Departures Board
- US Government Request for Crisis Assistance Form: For US citizens and their eligible family members
- Ministry of Labor – An emergency hotline due to the war, for employee rights: *3080. The center was established to provide a response to various issues that have arisen due to the state of war and the current security situation. Open Sunday – Thursday from 9am to 5pm
NBN Answers
Have questions? NBN Answers is available to answer your questions and provide guidance by phone at *3680 or [email protected], Sunday – Thursday 9am-3pm.
Kvar Ba’im
A volunteer center that connects you to rescue forces in real-time emergencies. See: https://www.about.kvarbaim.co.il/
Yedidim – Non-Medical First Response
Roadside and home non-medical assistance.
Hotline: 1230
Bomb shelter room door and window closing assistance or assistance transporting IDF soldiers or their necessary equipment.
Hotline: 077-600-1240
Silent Radio Broadcasts:
The silent broadcast will sound air raid siren alerts only, in real time. The silent broadcast stations will broadcast in silence throughout Shabbat, and will commence at the end of the regular radio broadcasts on Friday and will run until after Shabbat ends. The silence will only be broken by breaker messages from the Home Front Command regarding air raid siren alarms throughout the country
For a list of stations, click here
Municipal Klitah Coordinators:
A municipal coordinator offers assistance, information on local resources, and guidance through the local municipality. For a listing of Municipal Coordinators throughout the country, see: https://www.nbn.org.il/community-guide/municipal-klita-coordinators/
Yad Sarah:
Best known for its medical lending services and offers a wide range of other services in 100 locations throughout the country. See: www.yad-sarah.net
Helping Hands:
Virtual tutoring and fun activities for children, ages 3-16. Reach out to [email protected]
- Chai Lifeline: 24-hour immediate support crisis hotline, now open for all English speakers in Israel.
- Eran – Misrad Haklita Emotional Assistance and Support Hotline Center for New Olim – *3201, Open 7 days a week, 10am-10pm
- Israel Center for Psychotrauma
- Natal Trauma Center: 1-800-363-363
- Get Help Israel – A professional network of mental health care practitioners serving the English-speaking population in Israel.
- Talking to Your Kids About Terror
- Crossroads 24/7 Crisis Hotline for English-Speaking Teens and Young Adults 050-468-5463
- Get Help Israel Virtual Clinic: Over 100 mental health professionals in Israel and worldwide who are available to provide free individual crisis management support for adults, adolescents, and children in Israel, through a secure virtual clinic space. Email [email protected] to receive your personal login to the virtual clinic.
- Better Help Israel
- Ezer Mizion: A variety of services including mental health support. Call *2236 or click here.
- Helping our Children, Helping Ourselves – an article by Dr. Jackie Goldman
- Guidelines for Dealing with Stress in Emergency Situations-Homefront Command
- Epic Family Services: Offering their mentoring program services free of charge. Telephone02-540-9000or [email protected]
- Mind Reset App: Helps you in the process of clearing your mind and letting go of stressful thoughts. Currently offering the app for free in Israel, in English, and Hebrew, due to the situation.
- The Foundation for the Welfare of Holocaust Victims: Includes a helpline for Holocaust Survivors. Click here or call *5105 or 03-609-0866
- Connect 24/7 Hatzala Beit Shemesh: Offering 24/7 emotional support with English-speaking and vetted therapists.
Revacha (Social Services):
Found in every municipal region, all Revacha offices have reception hours. No appointment is necessary.
SHIL (Sheirut Ye’utz L’ezrach):
A citizen’s advice bureau found in most cities throughout Israel offers a wide range of free services. See: www.molsa.gov.il
- NBN-FIDF Lone Soldiers Program
24/7 Hotline for soldiers and those in Israel: *6563
Email: [email protected] - NBN – Hotline for Parents of Lone Soldiers
English-Speaking Hotline for Parents of Lone Soldiers: 1-201-605-7440
Email: [email protected] - IDF Merkaz Bodedim (Lone Soldiers Department)
Phone number in Israel: 03-5691000
WhatsApp: +972 52-943-7725
Email: [email protected] - A Letter to Parents of Lone Soldiers by psychologist Dr. Yonit Schorr PhD
- Post Aliyah Open Forum with a spotlight on the role of the Home Front Command (Nov. 7, 2023). With Captain Nurit Jessica Barki Lieberman, Head of the English Desk, Home Front Command Information Formation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo__z6nq6KE
- Israel United: Voices of Hope with Sivan Rahav Meir (Oct 16, 2023): https://youtu.be/5mU0yH-g6aM
- Trauma and Tragedy from Afar (Oct 15, 2023): https://youtu.be/wbM_EA8c5g4
- Coping in the Face of Uncertainty and Stress (Oct 12): https://youtu.be/GEIGEaaIjSM
- A Soldier’s Grandparent’s Pride, Faith, and Fear (Nov 30, 2023): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh9QKbcR274
In case of a medical emergency, it’s important to know where to turn. When visiting your Kupat Cholim, ask them how to seek help during and after office hours. Contacting your Kupat Cholim first can provide the necessary information and Ishurim (approval) for an effective resolution to the medical emergency and help you avoid unnecessary financial charges.
Kupot Cholim:
- Clalit *2700 -> 4 for English
- Leumit *507 -> 2 for English
- Maccabi *3555 -> 4 for English
- Meuhedet *3833 -> 3 for English
National hotlines for men and women in cases of rape or sexual harassment:
Women – 1202 from any phone Men – 1203 from any phone
Urgent care centers:
Terem is a network of urgent care centers found in several cities throughout Israel (see: www.terem.com). You will need to present your Kupat Cholim membership card and there will be a fee. This will not be reimbursed by your Kupat Cholim (unless you have been sent with a Hafnaya – referral letter). There are some Kupot Cholim that have urgent care hours in their clinics. This is sometimes referred to as a Moked. Speak to your Kupat Cholim for more information. Services at an urgent care center can often save someone a trip to a busy ER. If the urgent care center cannot resolve the situation, they will send you to the ER with a Hafnaya. The referral is important as it will provide the hospital with background medical information dictating the need to go to the ER and generally cover the treatment.
Ambulance Service:
If you are not admitted to the hospital, you will be charged for the service of taking an ambulance. 24-hr observation in an ER is typically not considered admittance. You will be billed to the address listed in your Teudat Zehut. If you are admitted, make sure to present the ambulance bill to your Kupat Cholim together with your discharge papers to ensure reimbursement for services.
Going to the Emergency room:
If you need to make an emergency visit to the ER without a previous visit to a doctor or urgent care center, you will only need to present your Teudat Zehut (or at least know the number) to open a file. You will not need to present your Kupat Cholim card although you will need to provide the receptionist with the name of your Kupat Cholim and family doctor (if you have one). As in any country, be prepared to wait.
When going to the ER, if you are not consequently admitted to the hospital, or if you don’t have a doctor’s referral or a referral from your Kupat Cholim call line, you may be charged a fee for the emergency room visit.
An exemption from charges in the emergency ward is granted automatically for a number of specific health crises, including work injury, road accident, school accident, fracture, foreign object in the eye, joint dislocation, and stitches. For full details: www.health.gov.il
Bituach Leumi: Emergency line for immediate assistance to the injured and bereaved families. Telephone number 02-6269999
Bituach Leumi: Updates and information in relation to the war
Bituach Leumi: Notification of hostile act injury and claim to be recognized as a victim of hostilities, Form 580
Bituach Leumi: Letter to victims of hostilities in English
Additional Bituach Leumi forms: For victims of hostilities
To see a list of short-term volunteer opportunities put together by Congregation Rinat Yisrael in Teaneck, NJ, click here.
Adopt-A-Safta: Meal deliveries to the elderly
Agriculture and Fresh Food Volunteer work: The Ministry of Agriculture will fund logistical costs to bring volunteers to work in agriculture in light of the emergency situation in which the Israeli economy finds itself
Am Echad: Activities for kids such as packing and delivering supplies for soldiers and families
Am Yisrael Foundation: nonprofit organization that launches, supports, and funds initiatives that empower modern pioneering amongst Jewish young adults. To fill out the intake form, click here.
Arvot: Various volunteer opportunities are available
Bayit Batuach: Open your house to those seeking shelter
Buchman’s Pizza: Donate your time or money to help make pizza, deliver, and pick up dry goods for soldiers on the front line: 050-850-4494
EMA Care: Coordinator of non-medical volunteers needed in medical institutions throughout the country. To register, click here.
ESRA Friendship: Various volunteer opportunities for English speakers. For ESRA support services during times of crisis see here.
FOA (Fighting Online Antisemitism): Monitor and report antisemitism online
Grilling for IDF: Sponsor a BBQ for soldiers
HaAchim Restaurants: Kitchens around Israel that cook and deliver meals to soldiers, families, and anyone who needs
Hamalachim Shel Eran: Storage, packing, and delivering of supplies for families in need. Location: Hangar 11, TVL Port. Contact: Yaniv 052-6366554
HaShomer HaChadash: Volunteer to safeguard Yishuvim and agricultural property. Volunteer opportunities
Herzog Medical Center: Help maintain optimal routine patient care. Helping with housekeeping/kitchen work: Dahlia – 054-920-9202. Students of medicine/nursing/social work and certified doctors/nurses/social workers: Roni – 052-323-5450.
Help our Israeli farmers: Join this WhatsApp group for listings of where to help:https://chat.whatsapp.com/FMKDV3nqXpI733MsqY8wYJ
The Israel Council for Volunteering: Donate to the Israel Emergency Fund for humanitarian aid
IsraHelp: Many different volunteering activities are listed on their website
Jerusalem Residents: Collecting supplies for soldiers: Contact Benjy Singer at [email protected] or call – 053 285 1526
Jerusalem Residents: Cooking, baking, buying, and delivering food for soldiers. Contact Sue Horowitz: 053-381-8993
Leket Food Bank: Volunteer options include picking produce, sorting and packing produce, and more.
Lev Echad: Civilian emergency aid force. To volunteer click here.
Magen David Adom (MADA): Blood donations. To view locations and hours click here.
Ministry of the Diaspora: Digital Operations Room to distribute messaging to the international community Seeking volunteers from backgrounds: video editors, graphic designers, videographers, language translators, digital editors, and creative people in general. Location: Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem (or remotely). Contact: [email protected] / 050-620-8375
Mitachat LaRadar: Various volunteer opportunities
Oref Barzel: Various volunteer opportunities
Stand With Us: For those who can commit to shifts. Looking for volunteers who can translate and edit videos. To volunteer click here.
Sulamot: Donate to the emergency relief initiative designated to buy supplies for soldiers and families in the south.
T’nuat HeChalutz: Hosting residents from the South. Contact: Nadav Konig at 054-900-1481 or Rif Arbel at 052-819-6620. Click here to fill out the form.
The Association for Israel’s Soldiers: Donate to provide supplies for the welfare and well-being of Israel’s soldiers.
Yahel: Various volunteer opportunities. To fill out the intake form, click here.
Yedidim: Volunteer to help with road assistance, non-medical home assistance, and transport of soldiers and equipment.
Important note from the IDF regarding donations:
Dearest Partners, Donors, and Citizens,
Thank you very much for your heartwarming willingness to donate to the soldiers of the IDF.
The IDF works to outfit their combat soldiers according to the needs of each unit.
Donations of combat equipment (tactical vests, bulletproof vests, knee pads, ammunition, and the like) are not authorized.
In addition, the IDF allows enlisting donors and donations for personal needs and items for soldiers’ well-being on the operational end.
In the framework of the Association for Israel’s Soldiers (Haguda Lmaan Hachayal), it is possible to donate to a dedicated emergency fund.
This fund will be available to the IDF and our soldiers during the war as well as after it is over.
For donations, please click https://www.ufis.org.il/en/donation-en/
Do not hesitate to contact the NBN Answers and Advocacy Team at [email protected] or by calling *3680 for guidance and support.
*Last updated August 7, 2024*
How can we help your Aliyah?
Call us.
- US & Canada: 1-866-4-ALIYAH
- Israel: 02-659-5800
- Post-Aliyah Answers Helpline (Israel): *3680
- Lone Soldier 24/7 Hotline (Israel): *6563