There is a possibility for women to receive an exemption from serving in the IDF, on religious grounds. One can start the process of getting a Ptor (exemption – פטור) before or after receiving their Tzav Rishon (first notice – צו ראשון).
In order to get a Ptor (exemption) from the army for religious reasons, you must:
- Go to the Rabbanut. For a listing of Rabbanut offices throughout the country, click here. There is a 56 NIS processing fee (the Rabbanut does not accept cash, only Israeli credit/debit cards). While the Rabbanut offices open at 8:30am, you may not be seen until after 9. The offices are usually open until 1:30pm.
- State to the Rabbanut that you don’t want to go to the army for religious reasons. Some girls are asked to meet with a Rabbi who might pose questions to see “if you are religious”; others are able to obtain the Hatzharah (declaration) without further questioning. Be sure to dress and act appropriately when in the Rabbanut.
- Once you have the Hatzharah you have to take it to the Lishkat Hagiyus (IDF Recruitment Center) and hand it in. Handing in the Hatzharah only takes a few minutes, but receiving the Ptor from the Army can take two to three months.
For Lone Benot Sherut who will be arriving in Israel in the summer, close to the start date of their service: there is an expedited process that should take up to two weeks from the time the Hatzharah is handed into the Lishkat Hagiyus. See the process for Lone Benot Sherut, detailed below. - When you receive your Ptor in the mail, make sure you hold on to it since without it you will not be able to do Sherut Leumi. (If you lose it you can call up Lishkat Hagiyus and they will send you another one.)
To check for your Ptor online, look here: Ishurim online- IDF You can also call Meitav, Meitav Draftees site phone: 1111, to ask about the status of your Ptor.
You can wait until you receive your Tzav Rishon (first Call Up) to take apply for your Ptor, or you can pre-empt and do this now.
Please be aware that the army has gotten stricter about accepting religious girls’ Ptor from the Rabbanut. The army has the right to question whether somebody is living a religious lifestyle or not and they have the final decision of whether or not to draft someone into the IDF. The army can invite anyone for an interview and has the legal right not to accept the letter from the Rabbanut. Be sure to dress and act appropriately when in the Lishkat Hagiyus asking for a religious Ptor.
If you haven’t received your Ptor before the date of your Tzav Rishon, you must go to Lishkat Hagiyus on the assigned day. You must follow the instructions of the army until you receive your Ptor.
You must obtain your Ptor at least 90 days before your Giyus date. If you do not receive your Ptor in time, the army may decide to enlist you.
Expedited Process Lone Benot Sherut: for Olot to get the Ptor, as of July 2022:
- After Aliyah, as soon as you have your temporary Teudat Zehut, go to the Rabbanut to declare that you are religious, and that you are asking for exemption from army service because of religious reasons (הצהרה), as per step 1 instructions above.
- Once you have your declaration הצהרה from the Rabbanut, send it to your Amuta Rakezet (the point of contact in your Sherut Leumi organization who helps Lone Benot Sherut Olot). Bring one copy of your Hatzhara (religious declaration) to the Lishkat Hagiyus (draft office) or email it to [email protected] and [email protected]. You can continue to correspond with an army representative by email.
- It may take several months to receive your Ptor. Please consult with a Nefesh B’Nefesh Ori Advisor about your timeline once you have a Teudat Zehut, by emailing us at [email protected].
- If you already have an Israeli passport (because of Israeli parent(s) or you were born in Israel, you may go to the Rabbanut and send in your Hatzhara. You do not need to wait till Aliyah to process your Ptor.
- If you make Aliyah during the summer before Sherut, you MUST consult with an Ori advisor by emailing [email protected] about your timeline. We do our best to work with army liaisons to expedite the Ptor if the Hatzhara is submitted by the end of July to the first week of August. We cannot ensure that the Ptor will be processed in time if you try to take care of this on your own during the summer months before Sherut.
If you have questions, please contact us at: [email protected]
* Last updated on June 2, 2024 *