Pets are required to go through an approval process before they will be allowed entry into Israel. Israel’s Misrad Hachaklaut (Ministry of Agriculture), Reshut Hateva V’haganim (Nature Parks Authority) and each airline have specific regulations determining which pets are eligible to travel on aircrafts and be approved for entry into Israel. Coordinating your pet’s Aliyah requires advanced planning.
Nefesh B’Nefesh will not be held responsible if you do not fulfill Misrad Hachaklaut’s and/or the airline’s requirements, and your pet is denied passage to or entry into the State of Israel.
- If the airline cannot accommodate your pet due to size, type or FAA Regulations, the airline has the right to deny your pet’s passage.
- The information on our website is strictly a resource/guide to assist you in understanding the basic rules & requirements. It has been taken from Misrad Hachaklaut and/or was communicated to Nefesh B’Nefesh by Dr. Shlomo Garazi, Misrad Hachaklaut’s Chief Import & Export Veterinary Officer.
- It is your responsibility to contact Misrad Hachaklaut and your airline to verify their most current policy and to ensure you have correctly fulfilled all governmental & airline requirements.
- The information noted here, and on our website, only covers Israel’s import regulations; it is your responsibility to research and fulfil any additional export requirements of the North America and any other country.
- Misrad Hachaklaut reserves the right to refuse entry to Israel or destroy any pet that is not properly certified and/or that is illegal to import.
- The US DOT (Department of Transportation) has issued a new definition of a “Service animal” (E.g. Seeing Eye dog, dog trained to detect if / when the passenger is in distress, such as Epilepsy etc.). This new definition includes “only dogs” and only “dogs specifically trained to assist” a person with a disability. Therefore, Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are no longer recognized. United Airlines, Delta Airlines, and EL AL all adhere to this policy. This has already been instituted by Air Canada.
Current Restrictions
- Dogs and cats, who’s weight including carrier, total no more than 15lbs, are eligible to fly in-cabin. There is limited availability of pet seats per flight.
- Pet seats may only be reserved once an Oleh is approved for Aliyah flight reservations.
- In practical terms, you should strongly consider using a pet travel service company or an airline that transports live animals on a cargo plane. Click here for the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA).
- All animals without proper documentation, as mandated by Misrad Hachaklaut and Reshut Hateva v’Haganim , and animals under the age of 4 months are illegal to import.
- Provided they are in good health: cats, household birds (not including rare or exotic birds), rabbits, rodents & most dogs are generally approved for import however, are not necessarily allowed to travel in-cabin.
- It is prohibited to import a dog belonging to one of the following dangerous breeds: Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), Bull Terrier, Fila Brazileiro, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (English staff), Tosa Inu (Japanese Tosa), Rottweiler and Argentinian Dogo. In addition to this, a dog that is a cross with one of the above dangerous breeds, and that exhibits behavioral patterns and/or physical traits similar to those of a dangerous breed, will also be prohibited import.
- Reptiles, amphibians and rare or exotic birds are classified as wildlife. Animals that fall into one of these categories, that in general are considered normal household pets, are usually approved for import after receiving special approval from Misrad Hachaklaut and Reshut Hateva v’Haganim.
- It is illegal to import monkeys and a number of animals classified as wildlife by Misrad Hachaklaut and Reshut Hateva v’Haganim, i.e., species that do not usually live with human beings in their natural habitat.
- To determine if your pet is considered wildlife, see wildlife tab.
Information Sheet: Import Dogs and Cats to Israel
Rabies Vaccine:
- Must be administered within the year, and no less than a month prior to the pet’s arrival in Israel. (This is an Israeli requirement, even if the vaccine given to your pet is valid for more than a year.)
- After the vaccine is administered you must ensure to obtain a copy of the International Certificate of Rabies Vaccine, issued by your veterinarian.
Rabies Serological (Titer) Test – for Dogs and Cats:
- This test measures the levels of the Rabies Antibodies in your pet, after a Rabies vaccine has been administered. Positive results are required prior to completion of the Health certificate.
- The results of the test must be obtained from an authorized laboratory. They need to show that your pet is responding to the rabies vaccine and that it is producing a sufficient level of antibodies.
- Obtaining the results of the rabies serological test may take anywhere from 1-3 months depending on the lab in your area
- If your pet fails the test, another rabies vaccine will need to be administered and your pet will need to be retested a month later.
- Once your pet has passed the Rabies serological test it is good for life if you have the results officially documented.
Written Permission to Import Animals Considered Wildlife:
- Written Permission to import any animal considered as wildlife, must be obtained from Reshut Hateva v’Haganim several months prior to your pet’s arrival in Israel. This is in addition to complying with the regulations of Misrad Hachaklaut & the airline.
- Reshut Hateva v’Haganim usually requests detailed information about your pet before issuing the written permission.
- Additional documentation may be requested. See the Wildlife tab.
Veterinary Import License (If applicable): A Veterinary Import License is issued by the Director of the Veterinary Services in Israel and states the conditions and requirements pertaining to each animal.
You must obtain a Veterinary Import License if:
- You are bringing more than two of each of the following animals: dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and rodents.
- You are bringing one animal (or more) that is not a dog, cat, bird, rabbit or rodent.
- Your pet is considered wildlife.
- You are making a request to bring a dog that is considered to be a dangerous breed.
How to Obtain your Veterinary import License:
- An application for a Veterinary Import License must be submitted as soon as your flight date is determined, but no less than 10 days before the planned date of departure of the animals.
- Call 011-971-3-968-1656 to make the approximate 50nis payment for the license
- Your application should include the following details:
- Animal species
- Sex
- Breed
- Age
- Date of expected arrival in Israel
- Country of origin
Email the application to: The Director of Veterinary Services/Import-Export Officer
[email protected]
Electronic Chip – for dogs, cats & certain animals classified as wildlife:
Prior to having your pet’s rabies vaccination, dogs, cats and certain types of animals that are classified as wildlife must be tagged with a subcutaneous electronic chip prior to entering Israel. Regulations require that the chip transmits on a frequency of 134.2 Kilohertz and can be read with a chip reader that conforms to the provisions of the ISO standard No. 11784 or of Annex A of ISO Standard 11785.
If the chip does not conform to these standards, the importer or the importer’s representative is required to be in possession of another means to read it. This is not the standard chip used in the United States. Before getting your pet chipped, verify that your veterinarian is implanting the correct model. If not, you may be required to have your pet chipped again within five days of arriving in Israel. If your vet does not carry them, ask if he/she can order it, or if he/she would be comfortable implanting the chip if you order it online. The chip is available for purchase on some pet websites.
Health Certificate (aka Veterinary Certificate for Entering Israel) – Completion & Endorsement:
- Dogs & Cats – Completed no more than 10 days and no less than 2 Israeli business days prior to flight (Israeli work week is SUN – THR)
- Other Pets – No more than 7 days and no less than 48 hours prior to your pet’s arrival
- UPDATE For All Pets – Endorsement of the completed health certificate by a USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Veterinary Services Officer or CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) Veterinary Inspector – no less than 2 business days prior to flight
- Veterinary Health Certificate for Export – Form
* Your veterinarian should be able to obtain the Israeli health certificate on your behalf.
Completion of the Health Certificate:
- Only a USDA or CFIA licensed veterinarian may fill out and complete the health certificate.
- Book an appointment in advance with your veterinarian to ensure there is availability the week prior to your pet’s Aliyah. This appointment is for your veterinarian to give your pet a final check-up and to complete the health certificate.
- Verify in advance that your veterinarian will have the Israeli health certificate in time for the appointment.
Endorsement of the Health Certificate:
- Once the Health Certificate has been completed by your licensed veterinarian, it must then be endorsed by either a USDA Veterinary Services Officer or a CFIA Veterinary Inspector.
- The endorsement is required for your pet to enter Israel.
- Click on the following links to locate your regional USDA Veterinary Services Officer or CFIA Veterinary Inspector. Please note that your regional office might not be located in your city or in some cases even in your State. Please plan accordingly for travel.
Part A: Scan and email the Ramla Quarantine Station & Veterinary Services – for dogs & cats: 2 Israeli business days prior to your dog and/or cat’s departure date (Israeli work week is Sunday – Thursday). As part of the import process, you are required to send the Ramla Quarantine Station & Veterinary Services at Ben Gurion Airport, to [email protected], with the following information:
- Name of owner
- Veterinary Health Certificate
- Notification of Pet Arrival – Form (known as Annex B)
- List indicating the type of animal (dog/cat), breed, sex, date of birth, identification number of electronic chip (for dogs) and date of last vaccination against rabies
- Flight number
- Approximate date/time of arrival
- Declaration of Animal Possession Declaration Form (known as Annex C)
- International Certificate of Rabies Vaccination (for cats and dogs only)
- Veterinary Import License, if applicable
Part B: Scan and email the Ramla Quarantine Station & Veterinary Services – for all other pets: No more than 7 days and no less than 48 hours prior to your pet’s arrival in Israel.
As part of the import process, you are required to send the Ramla Quarantine Station & Veterinary Services at Ben Gurion Airport, to [email protected], with the following information:
- Name of owner
- Animal species
- Age
- Flight number
- Approximate date/time of arrival
- Veterinary Health Certificate
- Declaration of Animal Possession
- International Certificate of Rabies Vaccination (for cats and dogs only)
- Veterinary Import License, if applicable
Once you have a confirmed reservation, contact the airline to coordinate your pet’s reservation. If Nefesh B’Nefesh is coordinating your flight, you will need a flight confirmation number.
Pet Fare: The airlines charge a fee based on the size and weight of your pet and its kennel/carrier:
- The pet fee is paid directly to the airline at the airport on the day of the flight
- Fees are subject to change at the airline’s discretion
- Airlines reserve the right to refuse carriage for over-sized and/or extremely heavy kennels, or to charge additional fees, as it sees fit.
In Cabin: In accordance with airline regulations, all pets weighing over 15lbs, including the weight of their kennels, must be placed underneath the plane in pet cargo (provided there are no FAA regulations preventing this). There is a temperature-regulated cargo hold for pets, which is separate from the luggage hold.
In-cabin pets are only permitted if they are small enough to fit with their carrier underneath the seat in front of you, and only if there are in-cabin pet seats available. Confirm in-cabin pet carrier size requirements specific to the airline you are flying. This information can easily be found on airline websites.
Be advised, failure to comply with airline regulations will result in your pet being denied transport. Airlines reserve the right to refuse carriage for oversized and/or extremely heavy kennels, or to charge additional fees, as they see fit.
In Cargo:
Confirm pet cargo hold size requirements specific to the airline you are flying.
To determine if your pet is considered wildlife, be in touch with Reshut Hateva v’Haganim, National Parks Authority, with the following information:
- Type of animal (such as bird, lizard or frog)
- Exact species (English and Latin names)
- Where the animal was obtained or purchased (such as pet store, friend, zoo or nature)
- Copy of purchase certificate, if the animal was bought in a store
- Length of time the animal has been in your possession
- Animal size and weight
If your pet is eligible for import, Reshut Hateva v’Haganim may have additional requirements, in order to grant your pet permission to enter Israel, such as:
- Export permit from the country or state of origin (where your pet currently resides or is departing from)
- Implantation of a Microchip and chip number
- Import permit from Misrad Hachaklaut
- Agra, or a processing fee (in addition to the fees collected by Misrad Hachaklaut and the airline)
Contact: [email protected] Tel 972-2-500-5473
Dog and Cat Requirement Summary
All cats and dog, including service dogs, require the same approval process. Follow the steps below to obtain your pet’s permit (ishur) to board the plane and enter Israel.
- First, have your pet microchipped with a chip that complies with the Israeli requirements see Information Sheet: Import Dogs and Cats to Israel
- Second, rabies vaccination
- Third, titer test 30 days after rabies vaccination
- Complete the vet health checkup no sooner than 10 days before your flight
- Signed and stamped by the USDA (or your country’s equivalent) no sooner than 10 days before your flight
- Send all forms to Vet Services at Ben Gurion [email protected] no sooner than 10 days and no later than 2 days before your flight (Sunday is a business day but Saturday is not)
- You will have your ishur to submit to airline before you get on the plane. When possible, email it to your airline.
Charges for bringing your pet are assessed by airline and based on the weight of your pet. These fees are payable at the time of check-in.
Retain all original documents as and your ishur in your carry-on bag.
Misrad Hahaklaut (Ministry of Agriculture aka Vet Services)
- To get an ishur/permit
- General questions
Ben-Gurion Airport
Phone: 03-9792240
Email: [email protected]
Information Sheet: Import Dogs and Cats to Israel
Reshut Hateva v’Haganim – Nature Parks Authority
- Exotic Pets
- Dangerous Breeds
- Wildlife
Phone: 972-2-500-5461
Guidelines for the examination of new species (birds) on import
Includes lists of species both permitted and prohibited for import to Israel
The National Center for Registration of Dogs
Phone: 972-3-9681610
Email: [email protected]
United Airlines
Air Canada
Kansas State University – to process titer test:
Important Websites
USDA websites:
CFIA website:
Animal health offices – Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Ministry of Agriculture video
* Last updated on June 21, 2023 *