Split Aliyah is the term used for families in which, while both spouses are eligible for Aliyah, only one spouse makes Aliyah, while the other spouse chooses to make Aliyah at a later date. This applies whether the spouse not making Aliyah is in Israel or abroad at the time of the first spouse’s Aliyah. Children may be included in the Aliyah declaration of either parent, as approved by The Jewish Agency for Israel.

The process of the first spouse’s Aliyah is identical to the Aliyah process for a single Oleh. The Jewish Agency will require a Split Aliyah Declaration and may ask for additional supporting documents.
The implications are primarily related to Aliyah benefits and post-Aliyah steps for the second spouse, who will not receive any benefits until they obtain Oleh status. Click here for a complete list of these benefits.

If the first spouse to make Aliyah is a former A1 Temporary Resident, the process of evaluating residency by Bituach Leumi may take longer, require additional proof of intention to physically settle in Israel and maintain residency. For more information on making Aliyah as a former A1 temporary resident, see here.

Post Aliyah steps for the second spouse:

  • Misrad Haklita in the airport
  • Misrad Hapnim
  • Bank
  • Local Misrad Haklita

Misrad Haklita in Ben Gurion Airport:

Processing for the second spouse of a Split Aliyah couple will be done in full, and they will receive all the same documentation as the first spouse, with the following differences:

  • A printout of their Misrad Haklita registration (instead of a Teudat Oleh)
  • 500 NIS (instead of the usual initial single Sal Klita payment). They will receive a supplement in the local Misrad Haklita branch when they are added to the family’s Teudat Oleh and the Sal Klita is recalculated to include the whole family (those who made Aliyah)

Misrad Hapnim:
Before the second spouse can receive any benefits, the couple must first be registered as married to each other by Misrad Hapnim. The sefach (addendum) of the Teudat Zehut will initially indicate that both are married, but not to each other.  This will need to be updated at Misrad Hapnim and will require both spouses to go to the office with their marriage certificate and apostille. This requires an appointment and should be done as soon after the second spouse’s Aliyah as possible. You can make an appointment on MyVisit.com.

Once you have registered your marriage and updated both spouse’s Teudot Zehut, you will be able to open a joint bank account which will be used to receive your Sal Klita payments from Misrad Haklita.

Local Misrad Haklita:
Make an appointment with your local Misrad Haklita office in order to finalize your registration for Aliyah benefits.
To this meeting you will bring the following documents:

  • Teudot Zehut of both spouses
  • The first spouse’s Teudat Oleh
  • The second spouse’s Misrad Haklita registration printout
  • An official record of your joint bank account details
  • Receipt of bank deposit
  • Passports (for those with Israeli passports, bring them as well)
  • Aliyah Visas

Aliyah Benefits:

Some Aliyah benefits are granted per family, and some are granted per individual.

Generally, all benefits that are granted per family (customs, reduced taxes when purchasing a car, mortgage, and certain tax reductions) will be granted to the first spouse who makes Aliyah. When and if the second spouse decides to make Aliyah, while the timeline to use those family benefits will shift to the second spouse’s Aliyah date, only those Aliyah benefits that have not been utilized will be available. For example, you have up to three years to send three shipments to Israel. If your spouse makes Aliyah after you, the three years will start again, and as such will have another three years to take advantage of this benefit, and the benefit can still be utilized on the family level. As a family the number of shipments you can bring with your eligibility is three in total and this number will not change based on the second spouse’s later Aliyah.

All individual benefits (health coverage, Sal Klita, income tax reduction, Hebrew Ulpan) will be granted to each spouse individually based on their respective date of Aliyah and their Aliyah status.

Eligibility for Aliyah benefits will be determined by Misrad Haklita (the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration) and the Customs Authority after reviewing your application and based on the amount of time you have resided in Israel prior to your Aliyah, even if you were a tourist. Please see the article “Benefits Affected by Previous Stays in Israel.”

Benefit Level Spouse A Spouse B Comments
Free one-way ticket Individual Eligible Eligible Pending JAFI approval
Sal Klita Individual Receive as an individual – If Spouse B makes Aliyah within 1 year of Spouse A’s Aliyah, they receive as a family.
– If Spouse B makes Aliyah after Spouse A‘s first-year, Spouse B will receive as a single
Plus kids if relevant
Health Insurance Individual Eligible Eligible
Ulpan Individual Eligible Eligible
Mas Hachnasa – Income Tax Individual Eligible Eligible Neither spouse’s Aliyah affects the other’s eligibility or timeline
Subsidized Higher Education Tuition Individual Eligible Eligible Based on the eligibility criteria set by the Student Authority
Customs Family Eligible – Eligible for a new 3-year timeline.
– Eligible for the remainder of entitlements based on Spouse A’s utilization
-To be used as a family
-See HERE for info regarding entitlements
Rental Subsidy Family Eligible as single Within Spouse A’s timeline, joins timeline (their status will be updated to family eligibility). After Spouse A’s 5-year timeline for those who made Aliyah before March 1, 2024, or 4-year timeline for those who made Aliyah on or after March 1, 2024, Spouse B may be eligible as a single or may not be eligible at all This will be determined by Misrad Hashikun and Misrad Haklita
-Kids do not factor in
Mortgage Family Eligible Eligible only if Spouse A hasn’t taken advantage already This benefit is for use with a first home purchase only!
Arnona – Municipal Tax Family Eligible Eligible only if Spouse A hasn’t taken advantage already Based on Spouse A’s timeline
Purchase Tax Family Eligible Must consult with a tax professional As the purchase tax benefits are affected by a large variety of details, it is crucial to turn to a tax professional in order to understand your options and the best way to utilize this benefit.
For more info CLICK HERE.

* Last updated on December 4, 2024 *

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