Every resident of Israel is insured for healthcare under the National Health Insurance Law, through payment of monthly premiums to the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi). New Olim, Ktinim Chozrim and Ezrachim Olim are entitled to up to six months of free health insurance for the basic level of coverage, if they are not working. Once this benefit comes to an end, all citizens, regardless of employment status or age (for those 18 and over), with the exception for soldiers who are actively serving, must pay contributions. For more information on Bituach Leumi please see the following link.
Every resident can choose one of the four health plans (Clalit, Leumit, Maccabi and Meuhedet) regardless of age, pre-existing condition(s) or state of health. The plans provide identical basic baskets of services, as required by law, but availability of services may differ by location. These include doctor visits, diagnostic and laboratory services, hospitalization including births, and discounts on prescription medications. Note that not every type of service, treatment or prescription is available in the basket. It is possible to purchase supplementary insurance (Bituach Mashlim) from your health plan in order to receive wider coverage, including dental and optical plans. Supplemental insurance is not free and services available will vary based on the Kuppat Cholim. Fees are listed on each of the Kuppot websites or you can check the Ministry of Health’s online comparison by clicking here (note: the comparison is currently in Hebrew only). See Kupot Cholim (Health Plans) for more information. Network with others within your age group to understand which Kuppah is popular in your community of choice, availability of English speaking doctors, services, and so forth.
Currently, it is possible to register for health coverage at the airport. You are not obligated to register at this time and should do so only after researching the health care provider that offers the best services for you and your family in your new community. Location and accessibility are important and should not be taken for granted. If you are not sure which plan to register for, you will have the opportunity to register at the post office in your city. Once registration is complete, visit your local clinic to receive your temporary membership card and to discuss options of registering for supplemental insurance.
Basic medications are covered in the basket of health services but the Ministry of Health has their own specific conditions regarding the distribution of medications. You will find a listing of medications available under the Ministry of Health at their website . Please note that is to be used as a guide and not a final word regarding medications. If you would like to email with a liaison from the Kuppat Cholim of your choice, please contact us at [email protected]. We recommend bringing a three-month supply of your medication or whatever your present health plan allots for. Please note: Cannabis based products or Medication cannot be imported, for any reason. In addition, we suggest bringing a medical summary to present to your new physician in Israel. Understanding how your condition will be managed in Israel is an important part of your pre-Aliyah research.
For information regarding importing medications from abroad, see here.
Doctors’ Channel YouTube is a non-profit initiative, approved by the Israeli Ministry of Health, and aimed at making important medical information more user friendly & available to the general public. It provides objective and reliable healthcare & patients’ rights information. Over 75 leading physicians from 17 hospitals and medical centers all across Israel participate in the channel voluntarily. The videos are in Hebrew with English subtitles. Click here for more information.
* Last updated on November 24, 2024 *