Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and integrate into Israeli society. Below, you can find a number of volunteer opportunities.

From Ascent’s center in the Old City of Tzfat, in the north of Israel, summer volunteers engage in community development while participating in Ascent’s classes and activities for a discounted rate. Volunteer activities include working on a local organic farm, doing art activities with the elderly and working in a soup kitchen. Ascent’s historic building with stunning views of the hills of the Galilee offers comfortable hostel accommodations and serves as a meeting place and launching pad for personal spiritual exploration for travelers and students from around the world. Participants in the volunteer program can enjoy Shabbat hospitality, daily classes in mysticism, guided tours, hikes and live music alongside the participants in Ascent’s other programs. Ascent activities are geared towards young Jewish men and women looking to grow in their understanding of Judaism.

For more information about this organization and to register: www.MyAScent.org/volunteering.

Contact information: 1800-30-4070.

The Birthright Israel Volunteer Program offers a unique opportunity to make a real impact. Dive into meaningful work alongside Israelis, help rebuild the Kibbutzim, and deepen your connection to your Jewish identity. This is your chance to be part of something bigger than yourself, where you’ll grow, give, and stand with Israel during this critical time.

Over 8,000 participants have already joined the highly subsidized 8 or 14-day Birthright Israel Volunteer Program. Open to Jewish adults ages 18–50, the program offers significant subsidies, including up to a $700 USD flight stipend, accommodations, volunteer placements, and more.

For more information, please visit us at Birthright Israel Volunteer Page or email us at [email protected].

Are you looking for a connection with other English speaking women who have made Aliyah?

Want to make new friends, be part of a dynamic social group with regular meetings, support and volunteer at the Hadassah hospitals?

Are you a life member of Hadassah in America? Life membership of Hadassah is transferrable to Hadassah-Israel, and you will continue to receive the quality Hadassah Magazine.

Hadassah-Israel is a volunteer, Zionist, non-partisan women’s organization with chapters and groups all over the country. The organization works toward improving the quality of life in Israel in regards to health, education, new-immigrant absorption, women’s status and children at risk. Annual conferences, health study days, and national meetings provide stimulating topics and social interaction with members throughout the country.

Join us -we will direct you to a chapter near your home.

For more information about this organization: www.Hadassah-Israel.org

Contact information: 02-6231411.

Do you want to volunteer and contribute to Israeli society while enjoying time with fun dogs?

The Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind- is dedicated to improve the quality of life of visually impaired Israelis. We provide them with mobility, independence, self-confidence and companionship through the faithful assistance of guide dogs specially trained in Hebrew to meet Israel’s rigorous and challenging environment. Founded in 1991, the Israel Guide Dog Center serves Israel’s 24,000 blind and visually impaired citizens and is the only internationally accredited guide dog program in the country.

* In search for English speaking hosts to lead tours at our center for guide dog training*.

This volunteering opportunity is only for those permanently living in Israel.

This is for long-term commitment to volunteer (at least a few months). It is 1 day of training and joining 3 existing tours. For more information, click here.

Contact information: Gal-li Danon, volunteer coordinator, 08-940-8213, [email protected]
Address: Beit Oved near Rishon Letzion

Come Volunteer with the Jerusalem African Community Center, a community based organization led jointly by Israeli and African activists in Jerusalem.  The JACC promotes quality of life and overall well-being for African migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Jerusalem.  We also seek to foster community leadership and facilitate dialogue and neighborly relations between residents of the city.  This takes place through provision of personalized assistance and support, education and rights awareness, programs for children and families and humanitarian aid. There is a wide variety of options in which you can volunteer, such as- teaching English/ Hebrew, tutoring children, any sort of professional (teacher, translator, social worker, psychologist). To sign up now, click here.

Contact information: Shira Bahat, Volunteers and Administration Coordinator, can be reached via telephone at +972527076552 or email at [email protected].

Love animals and want to enrich an elderly’s life?

Since 2016, the Jerusalem Society for prevention of Cruelty to Animals has been nurturing two flagship projects in the Jerusalem area that aim to bring cats and dogs to the arms and laps of senior citizens. Volunteers are needed in both projects:

  1. Dogs and Friends: strives to assist the elderly persons who own a pet but who’s ability to take care of it severely deteriorated with age. Volunteers regularly come to the elderly’s home to help in the care of the pet. They come to walk the dog, or change a cat’s litter box.
  2. Petting Dogs: gives the elderly’s who cannot keep a pet a chance to have the experience of quality time with one. Volunteers bring their own cat/dog to the elderly’s home.

Volunteers range from young adults to middle-aged couples.

Contact information: 052-320-4200

The volunteer program is a unique opportunity to reside and work within the communal Kibbutz setting. The volunteers work 8½ hours a day, five days a week. In return, they receive complimentary accommodations within the kibbutz, sharing rooms with 2 to 4 individuals (varies by kibbutz and season), three daily meals, access to free laundry service in the kibbutz’s communal laundry facilities, and a monthly stipend. Additionally, the kibbutz arranges tours for the volunteers. Typically, the kibbutz offers work opportunities in three main areas: agriculture, tourism, services, and various other types of work.

For more information about this organization:

Livnot U’Lehibanot, an Israel Experience program with 45 years of expertise, uniquely combines hands-on volunteer work with educational programming and community building. Since January 2024, at the request of the IDF, Livnot has been operating in Southern Israel, working alongside skilled professionals to restore Gaza border communities. Volunteers are invited to join Livnot’s “Rebuild the South” program, a transformative 5-7-day experience that includes rebuilding homes, public spaces, and community centers while engaging in meaningful classes, discussions, tours, and activities to deepen connections to Israel and Jewish identity. Explore the 230+ projects completed in 32 communities since January 2024 through our interactive map. For more information about our programs, please visit our website or contact us at +972524295377.

Come help save lives at Magen David Adom!

Magen David Adom provides emergency services throughout Israel and works with its volunteers to provide effective first-aid treatment. The volunteer program allows you to be part of this mission. University students spend two incredibly exciting and satisfying months gaining hands-on experience giving first-aid and emergency care, while experiencing “real life” in Israel. Fore more information about this organization, please contact: https://www.mdais.org/en.

The minimum time to volunteer is 2 years. In order to volunteer you must have an interview, take the first-aid course (60 hours) and pass the exam. The course takes place during summer vacation and costs 180 NIS. Click here for more information.

Contact information: 03-630-1428, [email protected]

First responders– The Alert Crew Unit is composed of about 3,143 volunteers and employees: emergency medical technicians, senior medical technicians, paramedics and physicians throughout Israel. All Alert Crew Members are active volunteers who practically perform on – duty shifts in ambulances and mobile intensive care units of Magen David Adom.

Generally, this means volunteering in any of the Kibbutz branches or services that need help, including, community kitchen, tourism, dairy, and landscaping. Kibbutz Lotan welcomes healthy volunteers, with an average age between 18-25 years old, for any amount of time between 3-6 months, mostly single, and able to do physical work as required. Volunteers receive room, and board (3 meals a day in the kibbutz dining room), and a small stipend.

To apply, please contact us at:  [email protected]

For more information please see: https://kibbutzlotan.com/en/volunteer/

Help beat hunger and volunteer for the day in Jerusalem at Pantry Packers

Every month Pantry Packers delivers crates containing all the necessary foods and household maintenance supplies to Israel’s poorest families and senior citizens. Pantry Packers maintains a packing plant in Jerusalem where visitors and tourists may partner in its efforts by helping pack food staples which are then included in the Pantry Packers crates. Volunteer opportunities for a family or big group are available. Click here to book now.

Location: Derech Moshe Baram Talpiot, Jerusalem
Hours: Sunday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Dress Code: Closed-toe shoes, long pants or dress, shirt/blouse (T-shirts are ok)
Age: Children as young as age 4 are welcome. For safety, please provide one adult to supervise every two children under age 8. For children age 8 and up, please provide one adult for every five kids.

Contact information: 02-6260035

Want to be a part of the IDF experience? Come volunteer on an army base in Israel!

Sar-El, the National Project For Volunteers for Israel, accepts volunteers from abroad as well as Olim ranging in age from 17-80+ to work on IDF military bases throughout the country. IDF logistical support duties are varied and can include working in warehouses, machine shops, in food preparation, and on the maintenance, repair and inventorying of equipment. In uniform and working alongside regular soldiers, volunteers are stationed on IDF bases for 1-3 week stints, helping Israel shoulder its defense burden. The program also offers evening activities including lectures, discussion groups, and the multi-week programs may include some limited touring.

Nefesh B’Nefesh has entered into a cooperative arrangement with Sar-El to facilitate volunteer opportunities for recent and veteran Olim on IDF bases.

For more information about this organization: www.sar-el.org.

For the application please click: https://www.sar-el.org/application-form

Contact information: [email protected]

Skilled Volunteers for Israel matches experienced professionals with meaningful skilled volunteer opportunities in Israel. We link the professional expertise of North Americans Jews with the critical needs of the Israeli non-profit sector through limited term volunteer engagements. Volunteers have already served as English tutors, accountants, grant writers and medical triage in a refugee clinic.

For more information about this organization: www.skillvolunteerisrael.org/ or the Skilled Volunteers Israel Facebook page.

Contact information: Judy Gray, Israel Volunteer Coordinator, 052-381-7163.

WWOOF organizations connect people who want to live and learn on organic farms and smallholdings with people who want to share their lifestyles, teach new skills and welcome volunteer help. There are places in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Oceania.

WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to stay and learn about organic/biological growing and farming.
WWOOF Volunteers give hands-on help and have an interest in learning about organic farming and gaining skills in sustainable ways of living.

WWOOF is a network of national organizations. They have local knowledge and up-to-date information about WWOOF volunteering in their country.

For more information about this organization: www.wwoof.org.il
Join us on Facebook

*The above information was copied directly from the WWOOF website.

Yad Ezra Veshulamit is an organization that distributes food for the needy and helps thousands of hungry families. Come help package food in boxes/bags.

Please book before coming to volunteer. This volunteer opportunity is suitable for both Hebrew and English speakers. Big groups are welcome!

Contact information: (02)-540-0058 between 9:30AM – 1:30 PM.
Email: [email protected]
Address: Shim’on Rokah Street 28, Jerusalem

A long lasting organization providing medical equipment for those in need. Men and women from all walks of life, young and old, rich and poor, from every religious and ethnic background, give of their time to volunteer at Yad Sarah, whether for two hours a week, or on a daily basis, or what have you. The variety of things that Yad Sarah does, the spectrum of help we give, lets each person who wants to help – find an area of volunteering that suits him or her. Yad Sarah gives its volunteers ongoing training, guidance and a feeling of belonging to one big, warm family. There are also special social and cultural activities for volunteers. Thousands of people find challenge, satisfaction and pleasure in volunteering at Yad Sarah. Yad Sarah have centers located in most cities throughout the country.

For more information about this organization: www.yad-sarah.net

Contact information: 02-644-4411

Fill out this form and a Yad Sarah representative will reach out to you.

Yahel’s volunteer programs deliver immersive, long-term volunteer programs in Israel dedicated to fostering meaningful volunteer experiences within local communities across Israel. Yahel collaborates with diverse groups of all ages and backgrounds to design customized volunteer opportunities, both short and long-term. These initiatives address real needs throughout Israel while deepening connections to the country.

For more information about this organization: https://www.yahelisrael.com/

Contact information: Email: [email protected], WhatsApp: +1-802-307-9108

Fill out this form and a representative will reach out to you.

Hospitals: Hospitals have volunteer departments, including Alyn Rehabilitation Hospital for Children and others.

Museums: You can train to become a docent or guide for any of the museums, including the Israel Museum, Science Museum, Islamic Museum, Bible Lands Museum, Yad Vashem and more.

Amcha Support for Holocaust Survivors: Phone 02-625-0634 or see www.amcha.org.

Beit Issie Shapiro: Assist children with developmental disabilities. Phone 09-770-1222or see www.beitissie.org.il.

Bible Land Museum: Work as a docent or in the gift shop. Phone 02-561-1066.

Big Brother/Big Sister: Fill in a void in a child’s life. Training and support provided. Phone 02-561-2131.

Em’lem: Weekly visiting project administered through Hebrew University. Call 02-588-3372.

ESRA: English Speaking Residents Association. Phone 09-950-8371, see www.esra.org.il or email [email protected].

Melabev: Elder day care centers with many volunteer opportunities. Phone: 02-655-5826 or email [email protected].

Yad L’Kashish: Yad Lakashish provides creative work opportunities for 300 needy, elderly Jerusalem residents, almost all of whom are immigrants. Under the guidance of talented instructors, our elderly participants learn to create beautiful handmade craft and Judaica items which are subsequently sold in our on-site gift shop. Contact: Emma Wolfin Golding, Phone 02-628-7829 or 02-628-9737, Website: www.lifeline.org.il

Yad Sarah: Phone 02-644-4418, email [email protected] or see www.yadsarah.org.

Ohr Meir & Bracha – The Terror Victims Support Center: Pack food baskets each Thursday morning to be given out in time for Shabbat. English speaking. Website: www.terror-victims.org.ilPhone: 02-582-4630.

Sherut Leumi: A national service option for religious women between the ages of 17-24 who choose not to serve in the IDF. Please click here for more information.

Israel offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities as listed above. For more information about volunteer programs, see: www.masaisrael.org

Additional Resources:

Ruach Tova
Contact info:
Efrat Catane | International Division
21 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. Tel-Aviv 64367, Israel
T 972.3.5436876 | F 972.3.6967763
Ruachtova.org | [email protected]

* Last updated on December 4, 2024 *

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