In addition to the subsidy that Olim receive from Minhal Hastudentim (The Student Authority), students can apply for a scholarship from various foundations and organizations. Each scholarship program has different eligibility criteria.
Students can also apply for student loans with low interest rates and deferred payment plans through most Israeli banks as well as through the universities.
The best way to start your search for a scholarship is to visit the website of your chosen college or university. Look under the heading “Milgot.” In addition, you can use the sites below to find out about scholarships which are not specific to a particular institution.
Note: All the information is in Hebrew.
If you are receiving Student Authority benefits and you are classified as a single parent by Bituach Leumi (National Insurance Institute), you may be eligible for a living allowance of 600 NIS per month for a period of 9 months (you will not be entitled to the sums listed above for the regular living allowance). Please refer to your Misrad Haklita counselor for more information.
- Milgapo is a tool designed to help students obtain scholarships and guides them through the process. The website contains more than 850 different scholarships available, and helps students identify the scholarships personally relevant to them and apply for them. Register to Milgapo – and they will do all the work for you.
- Misrad Hachinuch
- ZooLoo (Higher Education Section)
- ISEF Foundation
- Limudim B’Yisrael
- Milgot
- National Union of Israeli Students
- Nirshamim
- The Perach Tutorial Project
- Keren Kemach (For haredi married men ages 25-40 whose income is below the poverty line (according the Central Bureau of Statistics). The fund is only applicable to academic degrees and is only for fields that are determined to be sustainable in the Israeli economy.)
- Ministry of Justice
- Center for Financial Assistance (Department of Student Loans)
- Loan Portal
- Israel Free Loans Association – Student Loans
- Limudim B’Yisrael – Limudim B’Yisrael was started by the Jewish Agency to promote education in Israel and provide information regarding assistance and information about studying in Israel. The site is also available in English.
- Shmuel and Pearl Lamm Free Loan Fund (Gemach) which provides short-term (24 months) interest-free loans to YU Alumni living in Israel. For further information, please write us at [email protected]
American Financial Aid Search Engines for Overseas Studies
- (education benefits for soldiers who served in the US army)