Zohar Flamenbaum, Israeli born and New Jersey raised, spent almost two years in the “real world” before choosing to make a change and join the MASA internship program Career Israel.
Though she enjoyed every single moment of that year in Israel, she had never considered Aliyah. It wasn’t until her arrival to America and seeing the ‘Welcome to the United States of America’ sign, that she knew she needed to get back to Tel Aviv, not only for the bustling energy and beautiful beaches, but for the big opportunities Israel offers.
It’s been four years since her Aliyah, and she’s spent the last one pursuing her dream of starting the School of Shine: a positive resource for empowering women to increase their happiness from within, and love, laugh, and learn something new every day.
8:42 Two snoozes, wake up, shower, get dressed in business casual comfort as I won’t be home until after 10 at night. Glance outside to check weather; no jacket today, the sun is shining.
10:00 Meet a new connection slash amazing woman for coffee to discuss how we can collaborate for SOS. From fellow entrepreneurs to coaches of all kinds, we chat about business and pleasure – it’s the perfect jump-start to my day. Laughter, cappuccinos, and inspiration – yes please.
11:15 Walk, bus, or ride the city bike to the WeWork offices. Make my to-do list for the day and start crossing things off of it. Two more articles for School of Shine come through email from the Shine Writers on our value of the month, health. Edit and schedule them for the blog, along with final edits to my birthday article: 30th Birthday Wisdoms Now That I’m Old and Wise.
16:00 Break and green tea time on the roof; is that a heart in the clouds? Make my phone calls for the day and time to Instagram. Post something inspiring and empowering for my world of women… How about a simple reminder that women are capable of amazing things, with a heart in the clouds as a background?
18:30. Decide between going to yoga or doing more work, the biggest daily challenge of a hippie entrepreneur. Must start to practice what I preach and take a break to enjoy what I love; yoga it is!
21:00. A bit more work post-yoga and then it’s dinner time! Meet a few friends for food, drinks and fresh air in my favorite neighborhood bar with a great energy, and a daily reminder of why I love this city oh so much.
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