The Shamir Medical Center is one of Israel’s largest government hospitals, strategically located in central Israel, just minutes away from the Ben-Gurion intenational airport and serving over 1 million people. Our ER is one of the busiest in Israel, with approximately 160,000 visits per year.
Shamir Medical Center is on the verge of a profound transformation and will transform in 10 years from a major hospital to the largest hospital in Israel.
Serving the Needs of Our Community and providing quality care for our patients is our primary focus. We consider human dignity and social responsibility as cornerstones of our operations. Our patient-centric approach is the basis for our extensive investment in establishing national and international Centers of Excellence, promoting superior innovation in treatment and research to benefit people worldwide.
We are proud to be the medical ‘home base’ for the cultural mosaic that is Israel, providing care to Jewish, Muslim, and Christian religious and secular communities, low- and middle-income families, locals and immigrants from around the world.
As a university hospital, we are affiliated with the major universities in Israel, training the next generations of medical staff. We train medical students and physiotherapists from Tel Aviv University, nurses from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and x-ray technicians from Bar Ilan University.