In order to be recognized as a nurse in Israel, one must hold a license issued by the Nursing Division (Minhal HaSiud) of the Ministry of Health (Misrad HaBriut).
The process:
- Submit your documentation and having your file approved.
- After submitting documentation, Misrad Habriut will inform you of the educational requirements you still need to complete.
- Passing the licensing exam.
- Hebrew proficiency.
- Have your degree recognized by the Israeli Ministry of Education. Previously, every Oleh had to handle this process independently, but now, with Minhal Hasiud taking care of it automatically, the procedure may take some time. In some cases, Olim might still need to navigate the process themselves, particularly if they choose to work in the public sector, and need it for salary or seniority considerations. Click here for more information.
Please note: After obtaining a temporary license, you are required to work full-time for a year before you can apply for a permanent license. For additional information regarding this process, click here.
Documents to Submit to Misrad Habriut
Now you can submit your documents via the nursing division’s online portal, even if you’re pre-Aliyah. Please note that as of now, you still need to verify your original documents and submit them at some point during the process. You can and should send in verified copies of your documents to the nursing division for review via registered mail. Do not send in your originals! Documents can be submitted in Hebrew or English only (as long as they were originally issued in English).
All official documents must be verified. You have 2 verification options:
- Verified with an apostille after having the original document notarized (recommended).
- Bring it to an ISRAELI notary and have them notarize it. American notarization alone is not acceptable.
List of required documents:
- Medical Licensing – Questionnaire.
- Form to be filled out by your school of nursing. (All applicants must have this form filled out, even if you are not a recent graduate)
- Diplomas.
- An official transcript (or transcripts), listing course topics, grades, and hours of study in both academic and practical work.
- Official confirmation of employment following nursing school, including start and end dates, and a description of your exact position. This needs to be an official letter on letterhead, signed by your supervisor/HR representative.
- Teudat Oleh if you have one.
- Teudat Zehut if you have one. Please note that an ID number alone is not sufficient – the applicant must have a Teudat Zehut. NOTE: If you are applying pre-Aliyah please send a copy of your passport instead of the Teudat Oleh and the Teudat Zehut.
- An official document stating a change of name (if applicable).
- A valid nursing license.
- If you do not have a BA, you must submit an official copy of your high school diploma.
- If you intend to take the licensing exam as a tourist, please make sure to submit this affidavit.
Please note: if relevant coursework was completed at multiple institutions, the official transcript from each institution must be provided.
The Ministry of Health Nursing Division reviews all applications on an individual basis to make sure that your credentials meet Israeli standards. At the end of this process, the nursing division will determine your individual licensing process, please note, that Olim are sometimes asked to take classes in Israel to make up a difference in missing coursework. Olim can contact the nursing division at [email protected]. The address is the Ministry of Health, 39 Yirmiahu St. Jerusalem, 9446724
* Last updated on January 31, 2024 *