The Strange Pilgrimage of Warder Cresson by Moshe Kahan
Warder Cresson was a Philadelphia Quaker in the mid-1800s. He served as the first US Consul to the Land of Israel, converted to Judaism and became the subject of a landmark trial on religious liberty in America. Thackeray and Melville knew him along with many Jews in Jerusalem.
Moshe Kahan came to Israel from Philadelphia in 1968 and lives in Beit El. A former English teacher and Yeshiva CEO, he was editor of Yiddishkeit Magazine.
He is a popular guide in Jerusalem and is a guide at Yad Vashem and the Knesset, as well as a medical clown. Moshe delivers a variety of talks on historical figures of Jewish importance. He founded Memoir Mavens with Benjie Herskowitz and together they enable seniors to write their stories. Moshe is returning to Netanya AACI after his well-received talk about The Jewish Brigade.
Members pre-paid NIS 30
Members at door NIS 40
Non-Members NIS 50
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