Making Aliyah as a spouse of a veteran Oleh

When a new Oleh who is married to a veteran Oleh makes Aliyah from abroad, upon arrival at Misrad Haklita in Ben Gurion airport, the new Oleh will not receive their own Teudat Oleh or a full Sal Klita (absorption basket) payment.
The new Oleh will be registered and receive only a printout of their registration, which will be used to add them to their spouse’s (the veteran Oleh’s) Teudat Oleh, when they meet with a Misrad Haklita representative in the local office.
The new Oleh will receive 500 nis as an initial Sal Klita payment upon arrival. Once both Olim are updated as married, Misrad Haklita will pay the remainder of their payments into their joint bank account that is updated in Misrad Haklita’s database.

Registering as a Married Couple

See Registering for Marriage for further details.

Misrad Hapnim:

Refer to Misrad Hapnim in your area to register as a married couple. You will need to present your civil marriage certificate with Apostille certification, or the Rabbanut marriage certificate if you were married in Israel. Please make sure to bring both Teudot Zehut so both your names can appear on both documents.

Misrad Haklita:

When a new Oleh marries a veteran Oleh, Misrad Haklita (Ministry of Aliyah and Integration) will combine their Teudot Oleh and calculate benefits based on the benefits of the spouse who made Aliyah first. As a result, certain benefits may be affected. Please make sure to bring with you to Misrad Haklita your Teudat Oleh and both spouses’ Teudot Zehut.
How does your marriage affect your Aliyah rights?
There is a difference between individual benefits and family benefits.


Individual benefits include:

Free one way ticket
Sal Klita
Health insurance
Mas Hachnasa – income tax
Subsidized university tuition
Individual benefits are not affected by your new marital status. If you were eligible for these benefits prior to your marriage, you will still receive them after your marriage.

Family benefits include:

Customs benefits (car and lifts)
Rent subsidies
Purchase tax
Arnona (reduced municipal tax)
If the veteran Oleh has already used one of these benefits, the more recent Oleh may not be able to receive them, once they are married.

Customs benefits:

Depending on the number of years that have passed since you each made Aliyah, you may or may not be eligible for your full customs benefits.

If the more veteran Oleh (within the couple) has been in Israel for more than 6 years, the more recent Oleh retains full customs rights as long as you were not married at the time of Aliyah of the first spouse. If the more veteran Oleh has been in Israel for less than 6 years, the more recent Oleh only receives the remaining rights of his/her spouse.

Example 1: Person A makes Aliyah and imports a car and uses two of the three shipments to which they are entitled. Three years after making Aliyah, Person A marries Person B, a new Oleh. Person B is only eligible for one shipment, and they have three years in which to bring it to Israel.

Example 2: Person A makes Aliyah and imports a car and uses two of the three shipments to which they are entitled. Seven years after making Aliyah, Person A marries Person B, a new Oleh. Person B has three years to bring in a car and three shipments.

Rent Subsidy:

Once you are married, you receive rent subsidy at the family rate.
Depending on the number of years that have passed since each of you made Aliyah, you may or may not be eligible for your full rent subsidy.

If the more veteran Oleh is still within their first 5 years of Aliyah, the more recent Oleh will join the veteran Oleh’s benefit timeline and they will continue to receive payments (at the family rate), until the veteran Oleh reaches 5 years from Aliyah.
If the more veteran Oleh (within the couple) has already received the full rent subsidy of 5 years from Aliyah, the more recent Oleh may not receive this benefit.
For details, see Rental Subsidy.
If an Oleh marries an Israeli, he or she will receive rent subsidy according to the rates for a single, not a family.

Mortgage, Purchase Tax and Arnona:

You will be eligible for the benefits that the more veteran Oleh (within the couple) receives.

How can we help your Aliyah?
